Luna IV
De más está decir que MI Luna no es veleta ni de casualidad. Es la celeste y blanca. Claro como el agua y como luz de Luna.
Labels: homenajes varios, lunera
Labels: homenajes varios, lunera
(sacado del fondo del baúl de los recuerdos)
Últimamente temo mirar el desagüe de la ducha mientras me baño.
Temo ver mi sangre corriendo con el agua.
Me sale del pecho. Duele mucho.
A veces sale gota a gota. Otras a borbotones. Pero siempre duele.
Temo que ese dolor no pare.
Temo que el últimamente se convierta en siempre.
Temo que el dolor y el temor se hagan costumbre.
Labels: delirios propios
Labels: delirios propios
Labels: deleites
Labels: homenajes varios
Labels: deleites
Labels: deleites, homenajes varios
Acá llega la última entrega. La primera fue esta. La segunda esta otra. Como en las entregas anteriores, perdón a quienes no entienden inglés pero es un juego de palabras, ni sentido tiene que intente traducirlo.
Condi: Okay, boss, I guess I have to spell it out for you: it's H-U.
George: What? The new leader in
Condi: No, sir, not a jew, H-U!
George: Are you makin' fun of me now? Not a jew but a jew?
Condi: Yes, sir, H-U.
George: Oh, no, not again. Yassir is in the
Condi: No, sir, he's not, and neither is Hu.
George: Who? Well, Saddam isn't, I guess. But Ariel is, right?
Condi: A real what is right, sir?
George: Ariel, uhm, the Israeli guy. He's a jew, isn't he?
George: No, he's not.
Condi: Yes, he is.
George: No, listen, I'm telling you, Yassir's no jew. Period!
Condi: I know that, sir! He's an Arab, a Palestinian.
George: Finally you agree! Thank you so much. And neither is he in China, right?
Condi: That's correct, sir, but u's there, do you get it? H-U!
George: Well, if it's a jew, then, I guess, it could be Ariel. But I don't think so.
Condi: No, sir, it's not a jew. But it could be a real what, sir?
George: Not what, but who? You mentioned him before.
Condi: Yes, I did. It's all I'm talking about. He's the new leader of China.
George: Aidid? I know that name. Give me a hint. Wasn't he in
Condi: General Aidid of, uhm,
George: And now he's in
Condi: Well, I don't know, sir. Why do you think he is?
George: You just said so. Aidid, you said, is the new leader of
Condi: No, no, you got me wrong there.
George: So, back to business, who's the new guy in
Condi: That's right.
George: I mean, who is?
Condi: Hu is. H-U, do you understand?
George: I'm not interested in jews right now, okay?
Condi: Yes, sir.
George: And neither am I interested in Ariel, Saddam, Yassir, and the rest of the Arab world.
Condi: Now, that's a little harsh! With all due respect, sir. Don't you think so?
George: Harsh? What?
Condi: You said: "Damn Yassir and the rest of the Arab World."
George: Watch you're language, Condi! Are you nuts or what?
Condi: But sir...
George: I think you need some rest. Have a little nap, and let me run the world.
Labels: delirios ajenos